Papa Cloudy's Orchestra
After getting a phone call from polar bears, a gentle cloud called Papa Cloudy and wildlife to form the orchestra to throw a concert to raise an awareness for environmental issues.
Papa Cloudy and animals perform Bolero by Maurice Ravel (1875–1937).
(Running time: 11" 40')
Papa Cloudy's Restaurant
*Winner of Best Film for 2-5 Year Olds at 2014 BAMkids Film Festival Best Animation Short at Children's Film Festival Seattle 2015*
Chef Papa Cloudy makes sustainable menu after learning about overfishing. Featuring "Overfishing Song." (Running time: 6 min)
Papa Cloudy's Xmas
What happens when Santa is on Xmas vacation? Papa Cloudy fills in for a santa and he gets the best gift ever. He meets Crumble the pug, Slush the bull terrrier and Geeba the walrus (Running time: 5 min)
Papa Cloudy's Desert
(Running time: 2 min 40 sec)
Desert sometimes needs rain. Papa Cloudy is hired to rain in the desert because he's a cloud.
Papa Cloudy's
Sea of Love
(Running time: 1 min 30 sec)Papa Cloudy tries to find his true love in the sea.
Papa Cloudy's Laundromat
(Running time: 1 min 30 sec)
Bring your hearts to Papa Cloudy when you are heartbroken. Very first episode of Papa Cloudy!
Sumner Elementary K2 & Papa Cloudy
Heart warming correpondence between Boston Elementary School kids and Papa Cloudy.
Save Our Planet Concert
Raise your voice, not the sea level! Papa Cloudy's Orchestra is giving a concert to raise awareness for the threat animals are facing (Running time: 3 min)
Overfishing Song
from Papa Cloudy's Restaurant
Songtress Octo sings about overfishing.(Running time: 2 min)
Reviews : Treehugger,
Spoon &Tamago, Kids Should See This,